Inspiration for Tread Upon
Tread Upon detail
Tread Upon began in November 2019 with an image revealing itself to me during a group energy healing session offered to help release creative blocks.
When the session ended, my thoughts immediately went to an emphatic no thank you, I’m not interested in this image, I don’t want to make it, nor am I interested in the conversation that comes with it.
Shortly after, I participated in a Reiki session when the image showed up again. Complete, clear, strong, no detail left out, ripe with symbolism. This time I reluctantly agreed, determined I would make the piece, not knowing why, but figuring there was something I needed to learn from it.
With the idea of making the piece came fear. I was afraid of looking at the bigger picture this piece was presenting. I was afraid of the conversation. I was afraid of offending people.
Yet, because my fear was strong, I knew the need for me to realize this image was equally as strong.
Doing some research on the patriarchal system and going through the making-process relieved much of my fear. The finished prototype felt right and the title Tread Upon came to me.
I showed Tread Upon to a few trusted friends who I knew would give honest feedback and they were affected. Their feedback was strong and positive.
The artwork in the photograph below is the prototype and realization of the image that impressed itself upon me.
Tread Upon prototype
Successfully showcasing the Tread Upon prototype at a performance of The Vagina Monologues in February 2020, I observed the viewers interaction with the piece and saw ways to make it more experiential. I incorporated those ideas, making it an interactive floor piece.
While researching the patriarchal system, I became more deeply aware of the impact of patriarchy in our society, negatively affecting both women and men, and recognized how important it was for me to gain a greater understanding of the patriarchal system and initiate a conversation about it.
Tread Upon shines light upon the underlying and invisible influence in our society that fuels inequality. We are so immersed in a patriarchal culture from birth that we fail to see the extent of the impact it has on us and that there are other perspectives, other ways of being.
Tread Upon offers an experience and initiates a conversation.
Tread Upon - finished piece